TKI Article
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- Written by: Administrator
- Category: TKI Article
- Hits: 12874
Dear TKI “Staying-At-Home” Member,
Firstly, I hope you are all keeping well and staying safe.
As you know, we are all required to stay at home presently and therefore we are unable to attend our karate lessons at the dojo/schools. However, whilst we are in this difficult situation, we can still undertake the training whilst at home, and at the same time, keep up our fitness levels which is also very good for our mental health.
Could I interest you in taking part in our online TKI Virtual Dojo training? I have designed the training to be done in a limited space, anywhere at home and for all grades/levels.
Junior Beginners
Belts: White; White/Orange; Orange; White/Red; Red
Junior Advanced
Belts: White/Yellow; Yellow; White/Green; Green; White/Purple; Purple
Junior & Senior Mixed Blue To Black Belts
Blue; Purple/White; Brown; Brown/White; Brown/Double White; Black
White; Orange; Red; Yellow; Green; Purple; Purple/White; Brown, Brown/White, Brown/Double White; Black
If you are interested in and willing to try the training, I will be using ZOOM, the videoconferencing app to do this. Please see the following Instructions (on the last page of this letter) in relation to the ZOOM app,
I will send you an invitation to join the class by email with a code to join the class five minutes before beginning.
If siblings are training at the same time, they will need separate devices to join in so I can see them training.
Please keep background noise to the minimum or I will have to mute you.
It is your responsibility to be ready five minutes before the class starts.
No refunds will be given for missed classes.
Dress code is optional, but it would be nice to wear Karate clothing if possible. If you do not own a Karate gi (suit), comfortable clothing such as tracksuit trousers and a T-shirt are ideal.
Lessons will be 40 minutes long at a cost of £5:00 a lesson.
Only five members at a time in each class at beginner level eight at advanced level please, as this is easiest to manage and ensures that I can see and give my full attention to each student.
To be paid after booking the class to confirm bookings.
Payment only by bank transfer
T. Tennick
Barclays Bank
A/C: 43027376
Sort code: 20-12-26
Reference: Child’s full Name
I will put the class times on the club’s WhatsApp page, and the first five people to reply will have a place in that class.
Training at the TKI Virtual Dojo
This will enable you to train safely in your home with expert instruction given by myself. Training sessions will be held on the days/ times as set out text below.
If you book on the days/times you normally train, children will see their friends on the screen of the ZOOM app to train with. This will be also good for their confidence in the class and make it fun for them as well.
Please note
1.The parents are responsible to make sure the training area is a safe place to train (Risk assessment )
2.Parents are in charge of the children not the instructor as the instructor is not physically present
3.All children should be accompanied be a adult at all times in the lesson for child protection reasons
4.We well send the parent or adult member a code by whats app to members booked in to each class five minutes before the lesson starts
This is for child protection, The code will change every new lesson
4:00 p.m. - Junior beginners
5:00 p.m. - Junior advanced
6:00 p.m. - Junior beginners
7:00 p.m. - Mixed Jnr & Snr Blue to Black Belts
8:00 p.m. – Senior beginners
4:00 p.m. - Junior beginners
5:00 p.m. - Junior advanced
6:00 p.m. - Teenagers all grades
7:00 p.m. - Mixed Jnr & Snr Blue belts to Black belts
8:00 p.m. – Senior beginners
4:00 p.m. - Junior beginners
5:00 p.m. - Junior advanced
6:00 p.m. - Teenagers all grades
7:00 p.m. - Mixed Jnr & Snr Blue/Purple to Black Belts
8:00 p.m. – Senior beginners
4:00 p.m. - Junior beginners
5:00 p.m. - Junior advanced
6:00 p.m. - Junior mixed
7:00 p.m. - Mixed Jnr & Snr Blue to Black Belts
8:00 p.m. – Senior beginners
4:00 p.m. - Junior beginners
5:00 p.m. - Junior advanced
6:00 p.m. - Junior Purple belt- Blue belt - Purple&White belts
7:00 p.m. - Junior mixed
8:00 p.m. - Mixed Jnr &Snr Blue to Black belts
10:00 a.m. - Junior beginners
11:00 a.m. - Junior advanced
12:00 p.m. - Junior beginners
1:00 p.m. - Junior advanced
2:00 p.m. - Junior beginners
3:00 p.m. – Senior “Sparring Moves” class
4:00 p.m. - Black Belt Kata
If you want a book a class with five friends at a daytime class, please contact me on:-
Text – 07506 541833
Talk to me – 07956 372474
Please do not call during lesson times so that I am able to give the students their full lessons without me having to stop to take calls, thank you
Please be aware that this is a temporary measure in these difficult times and there may be teething issues. It will not, of course, be the same as training at the Dojo/schools, but hopefully will give the students the ability to gain some normality and retain their Karate fitness whilst we are all at home.
Register yourself by sending your email address to
Equipment needed
We recommend you train using a laptop or desktop as the screen is larger and you will be able to see me more clearly. However, you can use your phone if needed, just be aware that the image of me will be restricted to the size of your screen. You also need to ensure that you have a working camera so I can see you, speakers so you can hear me and a microphone so you can ask any questions. You can make sure all of this works by installing ZOOM (the video-conferencing app that I will be using) beforehand and testing it to make sure it works.
Training at home and health and safety
Training in a safe environment is important. As you will be training at home, please ensure your training space is free from obstruction and sharp or fragile objects. You need enough space to carry out techniques without hurting yourself. I will modify the training to be carried out in confined spaces but it is your responsibility to ensure that you training space is safe.
The other thing to be aware of is the positioning of your camera. Try if possible to make sure that it shows your whole body so I can see your whole technique.
Sign up and download ZOOM (the videoconferencing app/program)
You will need to use the videoconferencing app called ZOOM to take part in the training. Can you all please download this to your laptop/desktop/ iPhone/ Android phone. Please ensure that the manufacturer is Zoom Video Communication Inc. Please see the hyperlink for this. Can you also please register yourself (it is free to do so).
Kind regards and I look forward to our virtual teaching!
Sent from my iPhone
- Details
- Written by: Administrator
- Category: TKI Article
- Hits: 25094
First lesson info
and Aims, Objectives and Achievements
Welcome to our dojo - All welcome!
Beginners to advanced - Men, Women and Children from ages four years and above
Shotokan Karate
Had its beginning in a small Japanese island of Okinawa where it was passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth.
Gichin Funakoshi developed Shotokan Karate and refined the art into a formal syllabus that could be easily followed and subsequently taught in Japanese Universities
Shotokan is now one of the most popular styles of Karate.
Though regular training the following can be attained
Self-Defence, Relaxation, Fitness, Stamina, Flexibility, Satisfaction
The first lesson is free. Dojo fees are to be paid from the second lesson
Membership/insurance must be paid on the third lesson and renewed annually before expiry date
Members who do not possess a clean white well ironed gi (Karate suit) are
required to wear tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt
Safe Training
Finger and toenails must be kept clean and short (these can cut people)
Jewellery (rings, bracelets and earnings) must not be worn during training
These can cut others or be ripped out
Wedding rings should be taped
Trousers should be no longer than ankle height
(Please do not roll trouser bottoms up - they unroll and children may slip)
Dojo Rules
Only white round neck t-shirts to be worn under Karate gis (Karate suits)
Shoes and socks must be taken off by members before entering the dojo (training hall)
Bow upon entering and leaving the dojo (training hall)
Any members arriving late must kneel at the entrance of the dojo
and wait for permission from the Sensei (instructor) to join in the class
No-one leaves the dojo without first obtaining the Sensei's permission
The instructor is to be addressed as Sensei at all times.
In Karate, "Oss" is used as a sign of respect especially in the following circumstances:-
1. When bowing at the start and finish of training
2. When bowing to your partner before and after kumite (sparring)
3. All students must respect higher and lower grades
4. Members should try and train at least twice a week
5. Members must not swear, chew, smoke, spit or behave in any manner as to appear bad mannered or disrespectful
1.Refrain from Impetuous and violent behaviour
2.Respect propriety
3.Cultivate the spirit and perseverance
4. Faithful and sincere
5. Exert oneself in the perfection of character
I promise to uphold the true spirit of Karate-do
and never use the skills that i am taught against any
person, except in defence of myself and my family or friends
in instance of extreme danger or unprovoked attack,
Or in support law and order.
Welcome to TKI Karate
We hope you enjoy the classes and have fun,
But we need to keep discipline as we are teaching a martial art
Our students' ultimate aim is to be the best they can be and excel in their martial art, with an end result of reaching their black belt and continue to be their best thereafter, whilst achieving the additional goal of becoming an assistant Sensei (known as Senpai) and assisting our lower grades to achieve their black belts also.
The students work through their objectives of regular and dedicated training (a minimum of twice per week is best for higher grades, to achieve optimum knowledge and fitness), and undertaking their gradings 3/4 times per year for coloured belts, and twice per year for black and brown belts. This is to keep our standard high.
The students achieve their black belts which is their ultimate goal and is the beginning of their lifelong karate journey,
Please print and fill in this membership form and bring this with
you to save time at the class
Tigra Karate International
Chief instructor Tom Tennick, over 35 years teaching experience in Karate
Tigra Karate International (Shotokan Karate) is a member of FEKO Karate, FEKO International, FMA, WUKF, EKC. |
Please complete this form in full and in BLOCK CAPITALS Who introduced you to the club? ¨ Website ¨ Friend ¨ Flyer ¨ School ¨ Other ....................
CLUB: ¨ Beckenham Spa ¨ Bellingham ¨ Downham ¨ Kidbrooke ¨ Lewisham/Lee ¨ Mottingham ¨ Park Langley ¨ Tubbenden ¨ Warren Rd.
Membership: ¨ New ¨ Renewal [Expiry of last licence: ….…./….…./….….]
Please Note that Annual Licence /Insurance is NOT refundable and must be completed by your 3rd session (1 passport sized photo required)
¨ Male ¨ Female First Name ....................................................... Surname ......................................................................... Address ..................................................................................................................................................... Town/City .............................................................. Post code ................................... Contact Number ................................................. Emergency Number .................................................... E-mail ....................................................................................................... Nationality ............................... Date of Birth ................................................ Age ................................. School Year ................................. Do you have any disabilities / health / learning issues which you think might affect your participation in this training program? ¨ No ¨ Yes ............................................................ Any previous Martial Arts experience? ....................................................................................................... Have you ever been convicted of a crime? ¨ No ¨ Yes .................................................................... I give consent - For my child to participate in Karate lessons ................................................. ¨ Yes ¨ No For First Aid to be carried out on the member named above if required......... ¨ Yes ¨ No To be contacted by E-mail .............................................................................. ¨ Yes ¨ No To be added to the ‘WhatsApp’ group ........................................................... ¨ Yes ¨ No NB: If you are added to the ‘WhatsApp’ group (as a member over 18 years old or a parent of a club member) for club updates, and you leave the club then it is your responsibility to leave the group.
Occasionally Photos may be taken of members during training sessions for use on : Club Website ¨ Yes ¨ No Club Facebook page ¨ Yes ¨ No Club What’s App ¨ Yes ¨ No
Please Note all personal information will be kept secure under the GDPA Data Protection Laws (2018). Information will only be shared within the Association to assist with your training and safety and held while you are a member of the club. By signing this consent form you are agreeing to the TKI holding your information as long as necessary.
Signature of Applicant or Parent/Guardian if under 18 yrs
For Office Use Only
Name of Club ................................... Accepting Instructor.................................... Date ……../……../……..
- Details
- Written by: Administrator
- Category: TKI Article
- Hits: 19723